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5 Common Skills Most Employers Are Looking For

Jill Wells
For Candidates

When it comes to finding work there is a wide variation between desirable skills and qualifications, depending on the industry and specific role you are applying for.

In spite of the differences, there are also a number of common traits that generally make a candidate more employable. Demonstrating these attributes can help your chances of getting a job in just about any field.

The top 5 skills employers are looking for:

  • Good communication
  • Being able to communicate well is essential in most occupations. Whether you are liaising with the public, clients, management or colleagues, the ability to express yourself and get your message heard clearly and without misunderstandings is highly valued by most employers.
  • Teamwork
  • Unless you are locked in a room by yourself all day, chances are you will need to have some level of teamwork skills. Working well with others makes everyone’s job easier. People who have poorly developed teamwork skills can have a negative effect on everyone.
  • Technological savvy
  • Technology is part of every business these days and having a basic knowledge of the main computing platforms, email and the internet is essential for most occupations.
  • Problem-solving
  • The ability to find solutions to problems is highly prized by most employers. If you can find solutions by yourself it saves time for everyone else and can help make business processes quicker and more effective.
  • Self-motivation
  • No boss wants to have to stand over their employees all day. Being able to motivate yourself to work and keep working means you get more done and your employer has to spend less time supervising you, which is a huge bonus in their eyes.

Do you have the top five attributes that employers look for?

Consider how you might demonstrate that you possess these key skills in your next job application or interview.

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