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Good Questions To Ask At a Job Interview

Jill Wells
For Candidates

You know that you’ll be asked plenty of questions during your job interview. But don’t pass up the opportunity to ask your interviewer a few carefully chosen questions of your own before the interview is over.

This shows the recruiter that you have a bright, inquiring mind and a genuine interest in working for their organisation. It also gives you the chance to glean some vital information about the organisation’s culture and expectations, helping you decide if the job is right for you.

It’s probably a good idea to have three to five suitable questions prepared beforehand. Some questions might be answered during the interview before you have a chance to ask, so you’ll need to be flexible on the day.

Remember, you have to feel comfortable asking the questions, so choose ones which seem natural, and tailor them to fit your own style.

Here are 5 questions you can ask during an interview

1. Why has the position become available?

Ideally, you need to know if the position is an established one, a revamped pick-and-mix role, or a brand new position waiting to be tested.

This will help you prepare in the event you’re offered the job – a brand new role will present plenty of challenges no-one has thought of yet, while a splicing together of two separate positions could have vague requirements. On the plus side, you get to put your own stamp on the position.

2. What are you hoping the new recruit will be able to achieve in the first few months?

This will show you’re serious about working out the real requirements of the role and addressing them. This will enable the employer to talk in more detail about the job, and you to assess more realistically whether the job is right for you.

3. I notice that your company is expanding/diversifying?

Choose an interesting fact or two from the company’s website or social media feeds, and weave it into a question. Ask about any new ventures or direction you’ve heard about in the media, and how it might apply to the advertised role. If nothing obvious presents itself, ask about the organisation’s current projects or future goals.

4. What’s the ideal blend of skills and experience you’re looking for?

This gives the interviewer a chance to speak more fully and frankly about the role, also giving you a chance to assess whether you’re a good fit. Make a few mental notes and, if appropriate, point out what a good match your own set of skills and experience would be for the job.

5. Can you tell me more about the company’s personality and culture?

Hopefully, this will elicit more detail about the experience of actually working there. A ‘vibrant, youthful, go-ahead’ workplace is completely different to a ‘strong, traditional, family-based’ environment. Which one fits you best?

So there you have it. Make those interview questions work for you, and leave the best possible impression on your prospective employer.

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