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How to Integrate Temporary Workers into Your Permanent Team

how to integrate temp workers into permanent team - by wellsgray
Jill Wells
For Clients

In this article, we’ll provide tried and tested tips and best practices to follow when incorporating temporary staff into your long-term teams.

Modern businesses understand that hiring temporary staff is an effective way to quickly expand the workforce during busy periods. However, the real value lies in integrating these temporary staff into permanent teams. This not only ensures a seamless collaboration but also fosters a cohesive and productive work environment, a key to business success. Maximizing productivity with temporary staff is also essential for achieving these goals.

As a leading staffing solutions provider in Melbourne, we have extensive experience facilitating such integrations to ensure businesses thrive.

Understanding the Role of Temporary Workers

Temporary hires typically join firms to cover seasonal demands, cover for permanent staff on leave, or work on specialised projects.

It’s important not to confuse temporary workers with contract workers. While the employment arrangements for both temporary and contract workers often overlap, there is a subtle distinction to consider. Temporary employees typically have a less defined project scope and may be hired for a couple of days, weeks or even several months. They are paid an hourly rate and may be entitled to benefits such as superannuation and pro-rata.

On the other hand, employers hire contractors on a contract basis with a more defined scope of work and a clear start and end date. Their terms of employment vary from company to company, but they may be paid an hourly rate or a fixed fee and often do not receive benefits. 

Permanent employment is the most common type of employment in Australia. Permanent employees are hired with no defined end date and must work an average of 38 hours per week. They are entitled to benefits such as paid leave, sick leave, health insurance, and annual bonuses.

Temporary employees work across various industries, often including retail, hospitality, healthcare, construction, manufacturing, education, finance, office administration, customer service and many more. They provide these industries with additional support, alleviating the pressure from permanent employees.

Benefits of Integrating Temporary Workers

Incorporating temporary workers with permanent employees can offer your business numerous benefits.

1.   Flexibility in Workforce Management

Temporary staff allow companies to respond quickly to business needs, which is especially beneficial for the abovementioned industries.

2.   Cost-Effectiveness in Handling Project-Based or Seasonal Workloads

Hiring temporary staff can lower overhead costs associated with permanent employment, such as benefits like holiday or sick pay. This approach also helps your firm avoid paying overtime to long-term staff during busy periods such as peak season or when handling large projects.

3.   Fresh Perspectives and Skills

Temporary workers bring diverse and fresh perspectives that your organisation can use to improve operational processes, leading to innovative solutions that help your business thrive. Their specialised skills for short-term projects allow permanent employees to focus on core responsibilities without being overwhelmed.

4.   Prevent Burnout and Improve Business Reputation 

Hiring temporary employees can help manage workload increases, prevent burnout among permanent employees, and lead to higher job satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, and a positive working environment. By effectively integrating temp workers, your company can showcase its commitment to flexible workforce practices, ultimately improving your business reputation and solidifying your firm as the ideal workplace.

Challenges in Integration

Challenges in team integration may include potential resistance from permanent staff, communication barriers, and discrepancies in adapting to company culture.

Potential Resistance from Permanent Staff

The presence of temporary employees may cause permanent staff to be threatened and worry about their job security, leading to a decrease in morale and productivity. This situation can foster an “us vs. them” mentality as temporary workers may be seen as outsiders, creating a divisive working environment. Permanent staff may also perceive temporary employees as receiving more training and support, which can lead to feelings of resentment.

Communication Barriers

Temporary staff often need more access to critical information, which can lead to misunderstandings and gaps in their understanding of their roles and responsibilities. When organisations don’t correctly onboard temporary workers, they may miss crucial information regarding company policies, culture and processes. This can result in errors in their work and performance. Additionally, temporary workers may have different communication styles from permanent staff, who have established communication preferences and practices. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Discrepancies in Adapting to Company Culture

Temporary employees often have less time to adapt to company culture than permanent employees. This can lead to detachment and lower engagement. They may also feel excluded when not invited to social and professional activities that permanent workers are often involved in.

Setting Clear Objectives to Overcome Integration Challenges

Setting clear and specific goals for temporary employees ensures they understand their roles and responsibilities. These goals should be measurable, attainable and aligned with the firm's objectives. This approach ensures that temporary employees can effectively contribute to business success. 

It also emphasises the importance of selecting temporary staff whose skills match the job requirements and whose personalities are compatible with the existing staff. At WellsGray, we simplify hiring by offering pre-vetted candidates tailored to the Melbourne market. We specialise in selecting temporary workers who possess the necessary skills and can fit well within your company culture.  

Best Practices for Successful Team Integration

You can maximise their contributions by following the best practices in temporary worker integration.

1.   Foster Team Connectivity

Clear communication is essential for a smooth integration. Have an open dialogue with your existing staff about why your firm is hiring temporary workers and reassure them that their jobs are not in jeopardy. Introduce temporary workers when they join the company and encourage open communication between each other. Organise team-building activities to break the ice and foster bonds to create a cohesive and productive collaborative environment.

2.   Provide a Tailored Onboarding Process

Employers should provide an effective onboarding process customised for their specific needs and job responsibilities. It should include documentation that provides information about company policies, culture, processes, relevant tasks, and a guide to essential tools and resources they will need during their time with the company.

3.   Consider Your Legal and Ethical Obligations

Various employment laws protect temporary Australian workers, ensuring their fair treatment and workplace rights. It’s in your firm's best interest to keep these in mind when you integrate them into your permanent teams. The Fair Work Act outlines the entitlements of temporary employees, including minimum wage, working hours, and leave entitlement. The National Employment Standards (NES) highlights that employers must adhere to workplace safety and health regulations to ensure a safe working environment for temporary workers.

4.   Monitor Feedback and Make Adjustments

Monitoring the integration allows you to understand how well temporary staff adapt to their roles and the broader team. Feedback strategies such as reviews, surveys, and verbal feedback sessions can help bridge information gaps and clear misunderstandings. This approach enables your firm to identify issues or areas of improvement and make data-driven adjustments that can lead to successful integrations even in the future.

Successfully Integrate Temporary Workers With WellsGray

Leveraging the flexibility, diverse skills and experiences of temporary staff ensures that your firm can adapt to changing workforce demands, manage costs effectively, and foster innovation. This staffing approach allows you to strengthen your position as an employer of choice.

Consider partnering with us to get the best results from temp staffing solutions. We have a pool of top-quality, skilled, committed temporary staff who can add value to your business. Get in touch with us to get started on your temporary employee supplement needs. 

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