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Why it is Beneficial to Have a Flexible Staffing Strategy?

Jill Wells
For Clients

What is a flexible staffing strategy? Flexible staffing allows employers to utilize the skills of employees without having to directly hire them. It also means that they do not have to commit to solid work schedules.

There are many flexible staffing options for businesses. These include temporary or contract employees, outsourcing, and employees with adjustable work schedules.

Do you want to learn more about the staffing advantage of flexible work schedules? Keep reading this article for everything you need to know about flexibly staffing strategies.

Drawbacks of Rigid Staffing Strategies

Rigid staffing models are a more traditional employment method, which relies on permanent full-time and part-time employees. This staffing model can work for various business models, however, there are still a few drawbacks.

Firstly, rigid staffing will almost always cost your business more money. This is because you are required to pay these employees for more hours of work and other benefits. This may make it more difficult to budget for these employees, especially in times of economic uncertainty.

Another drawback of rigid staffing strategies is that it is more difficult to make changes to your staffing. Temporary staffing makes it easy to find new employees with specific skills. However, you often must stick with your current employees when you use rigid staffing.

This means that you may have to create new roles or invest in more training to get your current employees up to speed on their new responsibilities.

Finally, rigid staffing may lead to burnout for your current employees. If there is a change to their work needs and responsibilities, it is easy for your workers to feel like they are getting stretched too thin. Often, rigid staffing options also require more out of an employee’s job responsibility, as there are limited positions available at a company.

To make sure your employees are not overloaded, a flexible staffing solution may be the best choice.

Benefits of Flexible Staffing Strategies

There are many reasons why your company should consider using flexible staffing options during the current economic conditions.

Not only does it make it easier to weather unseen changes, like the COVID-19 pandemic, but it can also protect your business from other mistakes. Therefore many companies in Australia use flexible staffing. In fact, Australia has the second-highest amount of temporary workers in the world, with 3.8% of the population working on a temporary or short-term basis.

Here are the top benefits of using flexible strategies for businesses.

Lowers Staffing Expenses

One of the biggest benefits of hiring temporary staff for your business is that it reduces staffing expenses. When you own a business, your company’s bottom line may be difficult to work with. You want to ensure you stay as liquid as possible to protect yourself in the event of an emergency.

With flexible staffing, you can use short-term workers to save money for your company. Unlike hiring full-time employees, flexible staffing does not require benefits or unemployment costs if you have to lay off your employees.

If you can’t afford to keep your flexible staff on, you can simply end your contract. By hiring temporary employees, you can save money for your business.

Prevents Bad Hiring

Next, using flexible staffing prevents you from hiring unsuitable or unreliable employees. When you have unreliable employees, you waste money on the time lost for training and backfilling these roles with replacements. Unreliable employees can also result in lowered productivity for your business.

With flexible staffing strategies, you can use a staffing agency to hire temporary staff. If you find that your temporary workers fit your needs, you can hire them full-time. However, flexible staffing means you do not have to make a commitment to your employees prior to them proving their suitability to your role.

Benefits Your Full-Time Team

Hiring flexible staff also provides many benefits to the employees that work for your company full-time. If you have a busy season of work, you can simply hire short-term temporary staff to assist with these needs.

This in turn means you don’t have to stretch your full-time employees thin whilst. Instead of increasing the workload for your current employees, temporary employees can fill in and take over this work until it is completed.

Using temporary staff for this purpose will prevent your employees from getting burnt out as quickly and will allow them to focus on more important tasks.

Makes it Easy to Bring in Specialists

Another benefit of flexible staffing makes it easier for companies to bring in specialists when they need to. For example, if you have a need for a specific skill that none of your employees currently possess, you may not want to create a new position on your team.

Instead, you can work with a staffing agency to find someone with this skill set to contribute to your team if you need them.

Provides Peace of Mind

Finally, using flexible staffing options provides you with peace of mind as a business owner. When you own a business, there are many things that are out of your control. If you have unforeseen economic changes, flexible staffing arrangements limits your financial commitment.

If your company declines, flexible staffing will alleviate layoffs and lessen the negative effects.

Find a Flexible Staffing Strategy With WellsGray Today

Creating a flexible staffing strategy for your business comes with many benefits. Not only does it protect your business from uncertainty, it also helps save you money and allows you to find the best staff for your business.

Are you looking for help creating a flexible staffing strategy? WellsGray can help! We assist companies in Melbourne with their temporary staffing needs. If you want more flexibility with your employees, our team can help you find the right staff. Contact us today to speak with our office support recruitment experts about creating a flexible staffing strategy!

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